David hopes all his fans enjoy The Traveller and would like to thank all those who helped in the making of this album.
"Thanks to my daughter Sadie for her beautiful vocals on this album. She is a joy to work with, very quick and professional in the studio, and a wonderful daughter!"
Sadie PatonLead Vocals on If I Could Change Your Mind and Some Other Time 
"Thanks to Dave Bainbridge for the stunning guitar solo on The Cask of Amontillado. Dave is a phenomenal guitarist that I hope to work with more in the future!"
Dave BainbridgeGuitar Solo on Cask of Amontillado 
"Thanks to Dave Stewart for drums on If I Could Change My Mind. I have enjoyed working and playing live with Dave over the years and appreciate his friendship."
Dave StewartDrums on If I Could Change Your Mind 
"Thanks to Jill for her great vocals on Gemini. And of course, I couldn't be more pleased with all the fantastic artwork and graphic design for the digipak CD!"
Jill D'EntremontArtwork, Graphic Design, and Vocals on Gemini 
"Thanks to my manager Kirk for his endless support, enthusiasm, encouragement and collaboration on this album and his friendship over the last 20 years."
Kirk KiesterManager, Creative Director 

My studio was undergoing major renovation/expansion during the making of this album. Thanks to Kenny Shepherd, Matthew and the team for the first class workmanship camaraderie, friendship, hard work, and enthusiasm on the building of the studio extension. While work was being done on the studio, I recorded most of the tracts in a spare bedroom!